Myofascial Pain

What is it and how do we treat it?

Healthy Muscles

Healthy muscles support your entire body and allow free movements without pain and discomfort. They allow you to walk comfortably, support your body upright, swim, run, play sports, or even perform basic activities, like standing up or sitting down. You also need strong muscles to maintain balance and minimize the risk of falls. 

Myofascial Pain

Myofascial pain syndrome is a medical condition that affects the soft tissues and the muscles. It’s a condition wherein pain radiates from one or more trigger points because of pressure or other factors. Myofascial pain syndrome is often confused with fibromyalgia, but the two are different.

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Myofascial pain syndrome is treated using a combination of conservative therapies, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. Your treatment plan may include regular physical therapy, rest, trigger point injections, or other medications. Your pain doctor will curate the treatment plan according to your unique needs and concerns. Exercise is an essential component of your treatment plan. You may also have to try more than one treatment option to find the solution most suitable for your needs.



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