Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

What is it and how do we treat it?

Healthy Joint

Cartilage is a connective tissue that allows your bones to glide against each other without friction, thus protecting the bones from the damage caused by consistent grinding actions. As such, healthy cartilage is essential for the smooth functioning of your musculoskeletal system.

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

A sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a condition wherein the sacroiliac ligaments are inflamed or injured, which, in turn, leads to injured joints and sacroiliac pain. When the sacroiliac joint is injured, the associated nerve may carry the pain signals and cause sacroiliac pain.

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If you notice sacroiliac pain, you must rest immediately, avoid activities that enhance pain, and consult your pain doctor. You must listen to your doctor’s recommendations, especially in relation to sports and physical activities. Your pain doctor may inject a numbing medicine and cortisone into the joint to alleviate inflammation and pain, helping you feel better. The pain doctor may also perform prolotherapy to loosen your ligaments.


Physical Therapy

Your physical therapist will perform ultrasounds, massages, stretching exercises, and other physical exercises to improve your mobility and strengthen your muscles. The physical therapist will also examine your posture and help you correct the habits you may have developed to avoid pain, such as walking with a limp.


Your pain doctor may administer a cortisone injection to reduce inflammation around the sacroiliac joint. If the cortisone injection doesn’t work, the pain doctor may numb the surrounding nerves to alleviate pain.

Nerve Treatment

The nerve endings around the sacroiliac joint transmit pain signals to the brain, leading to sacroiliac pain. The pain doctor may use thermal energy to destroy the targeted nerve, thus alleviating sacroiliac pain.

What to expect after


Sacroiliac joint injections provide instant pain relief. You may experience mild discomfort and soreness at the injection point for a day or two after the treatment, but the side effects dissipate quickly. The results of the steroid medicine will gradually improve over 2 to 3 days. You might also notice temporary numbness in your legs because of the anesthetic medicine, but this should only last a few hours.

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